Hi. Hello. Hey there. Thanks for stopping by! Welcome to the Bite Tonight where you will find genuine reviews of the hottest restaurants in metro Detroit. OK, some are local dives, but I promise, they are dishing out some killer dishes. I seek to push the envelope and find unique, delicious eats. I also love to cook, especially with others so you may see a recipe here and there. Over the years, I have transitioned to eating healthier and even gave up meat. Of course, I do like to indulge in “bad” food from time to time. Gimmee a break, I’m only human!

I love to travel and taste different food along the way. I am obsessed with comfort food. Some of my favorites are Superman ice cream, fried rice, and mom’s lasagna. Mom makes a killer vegetarian version that is almost better than her classic meat one. I can always get down with hushpuppies and pierogies as well (I am Polish, afterall). Pad Thai is something that I never get sick of. So spicy that it hurts to eat, but burns so good! Oh and let’s not forget sushi and Mexican. Cheese enchiladas, please!

I am a huge movie and music junkie. My favorites include super cheesy rom coms, Christmas movies, psychological thrillers, horror movies, and punk rock. I am a thrill seeker and lover of roller coasters. I am most happy hiking, laughing with friends and hanging out with animals (shout out to my cat, Tig)! Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Like, share, be kind, comment, collaborate, rinse and repeat!